Friday, November 3, 2017

Newsletter, November 3, 2017

Principal’s Message

Dear Friends and Families of Los Ranchos,

Walk-a-thon envelopes poured in this week. We will be celebrating everyone's fundraising and running efforts at the Walk-a-thon assembly on Monday morning. Thank you again for all your support. Your dollars support meaningful, enriching opportunities for all of our students.

Technology is an important part of our students' lives. Our district is wanting to learn more about students' access and needs for technology. The information will help Los Ranchos, the middle schools and high schools. Please go to the link on the email, or click on the link below, and fill our the short BrightBytes survey. Your responses will shape plans for the future.

Parent Conferences are coming up!  Parent conferences are a great opportunity to sit down with your child’s teacher and celebrate  successes from the trimester, learn ways to support learning at home and set goals for the second trimester. We look forward to seeing you then.

Have a great weekend.

Marlie Schmidt

Upcoming Events

*Monday, November 6th - Walk-A-Thon Awards Assembly at 9:35 a.m.
*Wednesday, November 8th- PTA Holiday Boutique Fundraiser from 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. in our Multi-Use Room (please note that this date has been updated!)

*Friday, November 10th - No School- Veteran's Day, Observed 

*Monday - Friday, November 13th -17th - Parent Conference Week - MINIMUM DAYS

*Tuesday, November 14th  from 6:00  - 7:00 - Digital Citizenship presentation for Parents

* Tuesday, November 14th 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. - PTA Meeting
*November 20th - 24th - No School for Thanksgiving Break

Minimum Day Schedule
Please arrange for after school plans for Minimum Days on November 13th-17th.
Tk Students are dismissed at their normal time (12:20 p.m.).  Students in grades 1-6 will be dismissed at 1:00p.m.. We encourage parents not to pick students up prior to 1:00 p.m. if at all possible.